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Convert Thermocouple EMF to Temperature

emf2temocuco :

Reads the requested file, translates the specified row or column (default column 1) from Emf (voltage) {mv} to Temperature {C}. If the file has a text header, this is copied across, and the new file written.

Only for Type T (Copper-Constantan) thermocouples at the moment, for which it covers -270C to +400C.

2mK RMS error w.r.t. NIST calibration ITS90 (quoted accuracy 50mk); 0.4mK peak error @ 12 thermoelectric fixed points.
- However it is your responlibility to ensure that all software meets the requirements of your application.

for more details on ITS90 and the calibration, see the NIST webpage http://www.nist.gov/srd
NIST : (USA) National Institute of Standards and Technology.

This Unix/Linux program is freely downloadable, but donations are appreciated, especially if you are using it for work or to make money. I intend to do more in this series, but if I have no return from this offering, I can not make them all freely available.
Mainly developed at home using Apl68000, this binary using apl2c.
C 1990, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000 J.B.W.Webber@ukc.ac.uk

Download :

Decompress :
Please contact me if you are interested in either a fully configured and working instrument, or the binary or source to implement such an instrument. I can also undertake to produce custom versions for your particular application.

Email me : J.B.W.Webber@ukc.ac.uk or go to my Home page
Up: Lab-Tools